Holistic Nutrition

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”- Hippocrates

Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Means:

Viewing health, nourishment, and wellbeing on a mind, body, spiritual, and emotional level. The goal is not only to nourish the body, but to nourish and heal every aspect of the whole individual. We’ll start with whole foods first, but we’ll also be sure to find what is needed to nourish your soul and your whole body.

What is holistic nutrition & bio-individuality?

  • Holistic nutrition is the promotion of health and wellbeing through the use of whole foods, and focusing on specific nutrient benefits depending on any dietary imbalances.

  • Taking a holistic approach means to look at what is going on with each person as a whole and looking at different factors of influence- diet, lifestyle, environment, etc.

  • Taking a bio-individual approach means to look at what’s going on with you specifically, rather than a “one-size-fits all” approach.

  • When we work together, we will look to the root cause of imbalances through food sensitivities, digestive dysfunction, diet analysis, and potential environmental sensitivities.

Dive deeper into why you may be experiencing:

  • Frustration with what foods you can eat without digestive issues

  • Trouble losing, gaining, or overall maintaining your weight

  • Feeling bloated and puffy

  • Acne and other skin issues

  • Low energy and feeling chronically fatigued

  • Feeling all around overwhelmed with meal planning and cooking

Interested in reducing inflammation, improving digestion, and learning how to fuel your body optimally?

Do you feel frustrated with how certain foods make you feel? Do you feel overwhelmed with how to fuel your body well while balancing a busy schedule?

Maybe you feel like:

  • You can’t make it through the day without a 2pm crash followed by a third (or fourth!) cup of your favorite caffeinated beverage. 

  • You’re not sure how to fit exercise into your busy schedule

  • Thinking of ways to manage your stress stresses you out

  • You’re in a constant battle of wanting to cook more often, but your schedule leaves you tired and resorting to eating out more often than you’d like

  • OR you’re a “Yes” to all of the above and, overall, it has you feeling BURNT OUT